How do you start your morning? I usually roll over and check my phone which is usually on or under my pillow. I check it both for the time and to see what new things I have in my life. What emails do I have? Who posted what on my facebook. Do I have snapchats that aren't creepy guys?

Each of these questions contains a fear or anxiety hidden in them. Will there be bad news in my email box? Why don't my facebook posts get as much attention as other people's? Is my only redeeming feature that I am sexy? Do my friends like me? What a horrible way to start my day. 

This is all part of an overwhelming trend I am noticing. My daily habits are contributing to my unhappiness. They are conspiring to help me loathe myself. If I ma to get anywhere along this journey I need to start changing them. 

Now anyone will tell you, you can only change habits incrementally. Going and creating a whole new daily routine will be overwhelming, scary and too much all at once. So I'm starting with one of the most important, the morning. 

I have a few basic goals I'm hoping to change and thus improve not only my morning but with it my entire day. 

  1. Stop looking at my phone through out the night and first thing upon waking up. This means buying an alarm clock. 
  2. Start every morning by looking in the mirror and telling myself "Brooklynne I love you." To do it as genuinely as I can, and follow it with a real smile.
  3. Make my breakfast and coffee, and while my cereal gets properly soggy(yes I know I'm weird) to meditate for 2minutes while smiling.
  4. Write in my Radical Self Love Bible, journal, or idea notebook, while I eat and sip coffee. 
  5. Stretch and move, maybe try some simple basic yoga. 
  6. Finally if I still feel the urge I can look at my phone or laptop. 

Now I'm not completely unrealistic. I know I will slip. I know that there will be days I sleep in and am running late. But the goal is to get back on the horse every time I fall off. With these changes hopefully more will naturally follow. The morning is an important time as it is when we set up our entire day. How we start the day is more likely how we will end it. 

How do you start the morning? How can you change your morning routine to improve your day?

1/11/2014 05:47:46 am

A morning routine that leaves you starting the day on a good note is wonderful. I'm still working on mine. I have discovered that if I turn my computer off at the end of the day, I don't turn it on in the morning, and my morning is more peaceful (plus it saves a few cents). I'm still working on the rest of the morning, but I'd love to add meditation and stretching/yoga into the mix.


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    I'm 32 years old and find myself again alone in this world. It made me realise that I couldn't look myself in the mirror and say that I loved myself. This is my journey to that.


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