Over the past few weeks I have heard some variation of "Take care of yourself" just about everyday. Either as a wish, a demand, or a question people keep telling it to me. I have no problem with the sentiment and in fact appreciate it. It just also baffles me. 

How do you take care of yourself? What do you do? I actually have no idea how to do what seems like this very simple task. This frustrated me each time someone said it to me. I'd want to scream back "HOW?!" 

I knew at a core level, letting myself buy "little treats" here and there "cause I deserve it" wasn't right.  Nor was letting myself "cheat" and eat some gluten filled foods. These were self destructive habits wrapped is soft pink friendliness. They look like being good to myself but were only ways in which I was punishing myself secretly.

In the end I have limited money and should be focusing on conserving it. I don't deserve or need any more make up. Spending money on things that only temporarily make me feel better, does not help when at the end of the week I have no food or money. As for the tim tams and pizza, they do my body no favors. The exhaustion and sluggishness the gluten causes me will not be helping my emotions. 

So now that I know what taking care of myself doesn't look like, how do I know what it does look like. Here I was stumped until my dear friend Jenni pointed me to Gala Darling. She talks a lot about Radical Self Love which is awesome. but in Chapter 1 of Love and Sequins, she talks about treating you the way you treat your best friend. 

This concept rattled around in my brain like a grenade down a hall in an action flick. Just as my brain could see it for what it was, a radical, life changing idea. It exploded creating a moment that shall mark my old life from my new life. I sat here thinking not only treating myself like I do my best friend but furthermore like I treat my lovers. Suddenly I understood "taking care of myself".

Be gentle with myself, understand I'm going through a lot right now. Advise myself of good choices and bad choices, and understand that sometimes I make mistakes. Support myself and be kind to myself. Treat myself to the things that I can, that won't cause stress down the road. Which mostly means for me lots of slurpees. Encourage good behaviors and discourage destructive ones. Indulge in things that bring me joy, and stop putting off the things I have said I would do, or I need to do. Love myself unconditionally not despite of my flaws, but because of them. 

I'm trying to remember the quote above and know that it is true. There is only one me. It's just as much my flaws and weaknesses that make me who I am, as it is my strengths. Everyday I am becoming the best me. I am better than I was yesterday and tomorrow I'll be greater still. 

So if you are out there on this path with me, be good to yourself, and take care. You are the only you out there and I'd sure miss having you here in the world. 

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    I'm 32 years old and find myself again alone in this world. It made me realise that I couldn't look myself in the mirror and say that I loved myself. This is my journey to that.


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Journey to Love